The Bless It On Story

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I want to share a story with you that deeply impacted me.  It’s about an encounter that Houston Kraft, author of Deep Kindness, had with a woman named Helga as they were sitting together on an airplane they just boarded.

She had hair that curled skyward and a smile that took in her whole face. She had green eyes that looked like they had their own gardens growing in them. She was wearing a cozy neck pillow… if you have the whole picture in your head, now picture her weeping. Through her tears, she shared fervently that there is nothing more important in the world than kindness. 

We probably all believe this sentiment on some level. But to Helga, it was a mantra rooted in pain. She explained that the last time she had flown was three years ago. She had scrambled to an airport because she was woken up by a phone call from her dad’s doctor. He told her to get to Arizona as quickly as possible because, “Your dad’s not doing very well.”

Just as her plane was about to depart to Phoenix, the doctor called to inform her that her dad had passed away. For the three-hour plane ride, she sat in stunned silence surrounded by strangers. When she arrived at the airport in Arizona she stumbled to the nearest wall, crumpled to the ground, and wept.

Then here’s the part that I’ll never forget about Helga’s story. For two hours, she sat and cried in the airport while nearly 3,000 people walked by. Not a single a person stopped to help.

When I heard this story, I realized I could have easily been one of those 3,000 who passed her by, and so would many others.  That’s not surprising as our world today drives us to care only about ourselves, even when we have the means to look out for other’s interests.

Something needs to change in our society. The good news is all of us have the means to do it, even if it’s as simple as stopping to ask somebody if they’re ok.

As a Financial Planner whose mission is to positively impact the world by helping people use their Wealth on Purpose, I want to do more than just help people build a secure financial future. I want to help people use their resources to change the world.

“I want to help people use their resources to change the world. That’s why I launched the Bless It On Card Series.”

Haider Sharifi

That’s why I launched the Bless It On card series. Each card offers you an opportunity to use your blessings of time/energy to do something kind for somebody else and pass that opportunity on to them so they can … Bless It On!

Whether simply receiving a Bless It On card and completing the objective or working through your own deck of Bless It On cards with multiple activities – my hope is that these acts of kindness will encourage you and others to do great things in the world around you and show that it is possible to love one another by using your Wealth on Purpose.

Click here if you would like to join the movement and receive your own deck of Bless It On cards at no cost to you.

Each deck of Bless It On cards are organized into five categories each designed to maximize your specific style of showing kindness and love.

  1. Encourage

  2. Engage

  3. Connect

  4. Serve

  5. Give

You can choose to do all the cards in the deck or just the ones that appeal to you most. You can do it as a family activity, with your small group at church, or even just your friend group.

If you would like to learn more about how you can make a deep and lasting impact on the world around you by using your financial Wealth on Purpose, please click here to schedule a call today!

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